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At Drake Star, our experienced bankers are at the forefront of industry insights and expertise. Regularly sought after by the media, they provide insightful evaluations of current topics shaping the financial landscape. Our reports and research are frequently covered by leading media outlets. Explore this page for a curated collection of media coverage featuring our experts' perspectives and analyses. Stay updated on the latest developments by following us on LinkedIn. Join us as we navigate the ever-evolving world of tech M&A together.
If you have questions or are interested in an interview with one of our experts, reach out to:
Jan Deahl, Head of Marketing: jan.deahl(at)
Sophie Dechansreiter, Senior Marketing & Communications Manager: sophie.dechansreiter(at)
Most recent interviews and media coverage:
Sam Levy, Partner at Drake Star, sat down with Joey Pinz at IT Nation to talk about his triathlon passion, his expertise in MSP transactions and what is essential for a successful transaction in the space:
- HR Executive: How data can support recruiting strategy for better hiring results
- Pitchbook: Gaming exits simmer toward a rebound after hitting an 8-year low
- Business Insider: These sports startups raised millions in VC funding last year in areas from new leagues to women's sports
- Variety: ‘Dune,’ ‘Avatar’ Hollywood Marketing Agency Mob Scene Acquired by India’s Connekkt Media (EXCLUSIVE)
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Solaris-Bewertung stürzt ab
- Gründerszene: „Zombie-VCs“: Warum immer mehr Investoren Probleme haben, neue Fonds zu raisen
- Venture Beat: Gaming M&A and financing deals grew 39% in 2024 | Drake Star
- Sifted: M&A in European tech slowed in 2024 — but insiders expect things to heat up
- Handelsblatt (German): Mindestens 20 Prozent mehr Deals erwartet – vor allem in einer Branche
- Business Insider (German): M&A-Fachmann verrät: Mit diesen Kennzahlen lassen sich Investoren 2025 überzeugen
- Unleash: HR leaders must align tech adoption with strategic organizational goals: Drake Star
- Forbes Austria (German): Sporttechnologie im Aufschwung: Investoren setzen Milliarden auf die Branche
- WirtschaftsWoche (German): Fintech-Exits: Warum Deutschland den Anschluss nicht verpassen darf
- PE Hub: Abris Capital among the PE firms in 14-deal packaging round-up; ECI takes majority stake in Croud from LDC; Digital services M&A sees uptick
- Venture Capital Magazin (German): Wo heute und morgen investiert wird
- Gründerszene (German): Wird 2025 das Jahr der Startup-IPOs? Das sagen M&A-Experten
- Business Punk (German): Punkparty auf dem Parkett
- Finance Forward (German): Die IPO-Liste: Diese Fintech-Startups drängen an die Börse
- Forbes: Locked Out Of The Owner's Box, Investors Are Pouring Money Into Sports Tech Startups
- Sportico: Sports Tech M&A takes off in 2024 despite late stage VC slump
- Finance Forward Podcast (German): Die IPO-Pipeline von Fintechs war noch nie so groß“ – Investmentbanker Julian Ostertag im FinanceFWD-Podcast
Gründerszene (German, part 1): Better call Julian: Beim Exit geht es um Momentum – ein Experte verrät, wann Startups verkaufen sollten
Gründerszene (German, part 2): Berater verrät: Das muss ich Gründern abtrainieren, bevor sie bei Investoren pitchen
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