Drake Star Partners Advised Leading German Digital Transformation Agency Cellular On The Majority Sale To Findos

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    Digital Transformation Digital Services
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    Exclusive Financial Advisor to Cellular
Digital Transformation Agency

MUNICH | September 29, 2017 – The shareholders of leading German Digital Transformation Agency Cellular have sold the majority of the shares in the company to Findos, a long-term oriented, independent mid-market private equity fund backed by prestigious German families. Management will continue to hold shares in the company. The fund strives to support the company in its future growth and global expansion to expand its market-leading position. Drake Star Partners acted as exclusive financial advisor to the shareholders of Cellular on this transaction.

“Cellular is an exceptional player in the very dynamic agency market addressing the increasing demand for digital transformation expertise and services. Management has done an excellent job in building a highly attractive business model focusing on major clients in verticals where the company has enormous experience and expertise resulting in an industry-leading performance.”, says Ralf Philipp Hofmann, Managing Partner and Member of the Global Executive Committee at Drake Star Partners. “This transaction is the second sale of a European digital transformation agency executed by Drake Star Partners this year illustrating our strong presence in this fast-growing market segment.”

Drake Star Partners Team: Ralf Philipp Hofmann, Carsten Smolka, Benedikt Gottwald, Daniel Schorege

Drake Star Partners berät Cellular, eine führende deutsche Digital Transformation Agency, beim Mehrheitsverkauf an Findos

MÜNCHEN (29. September 2017) – Die Gesellschafter von Cellular, einer führenden deutschen Digital Transformation Agency, haben die Mehrheit der Geschäftsanteile an Findos, einen unabhängigen mid-market Private Equity Fonds mit renommierten deutschen Familiengesellschaften als Investoren, verkauft. Das Management wird über die Transaktion hinaus auch weiterhin Anteile am Unternehmen halten. Der Käufer wird das Unternehmen in seinem zukünftigen Wachstum und seiner globalen Expansion unterstützen, um die marktführende Position im Bereich Digital Transformation weiter zu stärken. Drake Star Partners beriet die Gesellschafter von Cellular exklusiv im Rahmen dieser Transaktion.

„Cellular ist ein herausragendes Unternehmen im sehr dynamischen Agenturmarkt, das die zunehmende Nachfrage nach Digital Transformation Expertise und Dienstleistungen bedient. Das Management hat in den vergangenen Jahren exzellente Arbeit beim Aufbau eines hochattraktiven Geschäftsmodells geleistet, welches sich auf Großkunden aus Sektoren konzentriert, in denen das Unternehmen umfassende Erfahrung und Expertise vorzuweisen hat“, sagt Ralf Philipp Hofmann, Managing Partner und Member of the Global Executive Committee von Drake Star Partners. „Diese Transaktion ist der zweite Verkauf einer europäischen Digital Transformation Agency, der durch Drake Star Partners in diesem Jahr begleitet wird, was ausdrücklich unsere starke Position in diesem schnell wachsenden Marktsegment unterstreicht.“

Drake Star Partners Team: Ralf Philipp Hofmann, Carsten Smolka, Benedikt Gottwald, Daniel Schorege

About Drake Star

Drake Star Partners is a global investment banking firm serving the technology, media and communications sectors (TMC) with offices in New York, London, Paris, Munich, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Berlin, Geneva, Singapore* and Dubai*. The firm focuses on M&A and corporate finance for its clients worldwide. Drake Star Partners completed over 400 transactions since 2004, 70% of which are cross-border.

Drake Star Partners is the marketing name for the global investment bank Drake Star Partners Limited and its subsidiaries and affiliates. In the USA, all securities are transacted through Drake Star Securities LLC. In the USA, Drake Star Securities LLC is regulated by FINRA and is a member of SIPC. Drake Star UK Limited (FRN 942020) is an appointed representative of Kession Capital Ltd (FRN582160) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. © 2016 Drake Star Partners Limited.


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For further inquiries, please contact:

Ralf Philipp Hofmann Full
Ralf Philipp Hofmann
Managing Partner, Member of the Executive Committee

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Digital Services
