LD&A announces the successful acquisition of Trango VP by VMWARE (NYSE, VMW)
Software/SaaS Communications
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Exclusive financial advisor to Trango VP

Mobility Handset Middleware
Lorentz, Deschamps & Associés acted as advisor to Trango VP’s shareholders in this transaction.
The intervention of LD&A was key to offer Trango VP’s shareholders a large coverage of potential acquirers and a seamless execution of the transaction. LD&A actively participated in the elaboration of a meaningful offer for both parties.
Founded in 2004, Trango VP is the leading provider of secured virtualization IP for embedded processors, licensing the TRANGO Hypervisor to major semiconductor and mobile device manufacturers.
VMWare INC (NYSE, VMW), founded in 1998 in California, is the global leader in virtualization solutions from the desktop to the datacenter. This acquisition is a key milestone in VMware’s strategic plan to bring virtualization to mobile phones, enabling a host of benefits for handset vendors, corporations and mobile phone users.
Team LD&A for the Deal: Mathieu Daouphars, François Carlot and Eve Lee-Pligersdorffer